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tv   Headline News  RT  November 28, 2013 12:00am-12:30am EST

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it's day five approaching protest in ukraine with the speaker of english when he in parliament joining the rally adding fuel to the growing diplomatic tension. fine by berlusconi to his former prime minister is expelled from parliament over his conviction for tax fraud but vows to remain in politics. that's the sound of a do it yourself guns three d. technology now allows weapons of any shape to be printed in. twenty five to thirty five hours depending on the machine we put it on and what materials were. we talk to engineers of printed three d. firearms and find out whether the technology could be about to get out of control.
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what you are going to live from moscow with me marina joshing. ukraine has seen another day of mass protest against rejection of an e.u. trade deal an association agreement sounds of demonstrators defied authorities in the capital were riot police have been deployed to ensure security. is following the situation for us in kiev. more than fifteen thousand and now he had gives famous independence square all three protest sites in the city have merged into one now this is the center stage of the whole protest the morning there was a slight tension at the government building when they the opposition held a rally then i saw literally hundreds of riot police over there securing the
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building it was quite tense because there was information that if you go towards the some groups maybe trying to assault the government building eventually it resulted peacefully and obviously these people will not go anywhere until the end of friday until the summit in vilnius that's why ukraine still has a chance of signing the euro so station agreement something these people are strongly desiring one else the authorities whether this was the right kind of fuel council deciding they say yes to this town it was the right decision was problematic it was done in the best interest of the country's economy to save it from collapse of course we watching the situation will opt out of us with all the latest details as we get them. meanwhile some european politicians have traveled to kiev to lend their support to the crowds. as the speaker of the lithuanian parliament i congratulate the people of ukraine as you have gathered here to stand for the european future of your country i'm proud of you if you any a has already taught its path to becoming
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a member of the european union and we are ready to be ukraine's guide if you any and trust that the ukrainian people will make the right choice. that speech by the speaker of the parliament sparked a diplomatic scandal high ranking diplomat from list when his ambassador to ukraine was summoned to give an explanation this comes as the e.u.'s eastern partnership summit is set to start of the list when he and capital vilnius were ukraine's president promised to explain to the blocs leaders why they rejected the path paula tell from the u.k. independence party believes there is why disregard for the risks of ukraine's integration into the union. they told know enough about the problems that your house will be moving once great ukraine to eventually join in a while but anyway it's a choice they don't say happy it's a choice do they even want to it's a choice in their ninety five percent of turkey isn't even in your i mean this is an expansionist organization really in britain certainly don't want ukraine to join
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the european union because if they join that means our borders will be opened up to forty six million ukrainians and in ukraine the average wage is around three hundred euro zone for me you know if they do join a lot of them will come west and at the moment we have twenty two percent youth unemployment rate in britain we concentrate. any further with any more people. for more on what's behind ukraine's u. turn on the backlash and so far to head to our web site r t dot com. it elice out has stripped former prime minister said we have. kone of his parliamentary seat after his conviction for tax fraud a seventy seven year old politician has dominated the talian political scene for two decades despite facing serious criminal charges and being deprived of political unity he remains defiant as are going off now reports from rome was quite an
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emotional vote at the senate and the comments that we've been getting from mr berlusconi and his supporters are frankly just as emotional they've deemed his political rivals as the firing squad they've been saying that this is a day of mourning for italian democracy and that this was a political assassination clearly looking at and having to deal with several convictions including abuse of power and having sex with an underage prostitute themselves saying that he's not planning to back down he's not planning to go underground and wants to stay with his supporters you know his rivals on the other hand are celebrating comparing the former prime minister with al capone to the. the chicago gangster who for years managed to avoid prosecution but then was finally jailed for tax evasion you know all of this is happening amid some serious problems with the kind of italian economy the current government hasn't really been very successful in dealing with them they've barely managed to push through the two
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thousand and fourteen budget which is in the focus of the loss of criticism the economy's going to be worse sessions is the second more youth unemployment is very high right now. political analysts paul are a phony believes a time government is using the scale surrounding berlusconi to distract public attention away from the country's problems. the dramatic economic situation which is to be ease not only because of the future use of the current government but don't you because of the european. x. the. street measures gloom and. pain should the fact that he did the starting said we were but so it's awesome it's i mean this is something that makes very nervous and worried for the future really the events surrounding me have been done but the future of the media and the. people.
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and so it was for this issue is being used. to cover up these kinds of problems to chart we're. still the kind of program there is no such thing as an israeli well on paper at least. just to have a look at how a group of campaigners are calling for the recognition of national identity. experts now say that anyone who has a couple of thousand dollars for a three d. printer and an internet connection can make a three d. gun which will be invisible to x. ray machines and metal detectors in the us critics of the technology are warning has reached a dangerous point with federal law banning undetectible firearms set to expire in less than two weeks are just more important i found out what it takes to print a gun. rhett's shooting range in austin texas
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is normally packed with gun enthusiasm. today the difference is that these men are firing rounds with a do it yourself firearm the world's first three d. printed metal gun we wanted to showcase the abilities of what direct metal can do and what a better way than find something that can withstand a bunch of heat tolerance accuracy all wrapped into one which in america everybody knows which is a par. eric much later is a project coordinator at solid concepts company specializing in three d. printing hearing prints are in the party was granted an exclusive tour of their austin facility which boasts ten three d. industrial printers and a glimpse of our technological future these are all the three d. printed parts that went into making this car after getting a federal firearms license the company used a process called direct metal laser centering to produce this browning nine hundred
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eleven pistol takes about twenty five to thirty five hours depending on the machine we put it on and what materials were grown in. this three d. printing metal gun has fired over one thousand rounds in the meantime solid concepts has manufactured its second ninety nine eleven firearm we plan on making a few more prototypes for additional testing. and we don't we don't plan on going into full production on these we can afford to sell them. at the price of be required to get our money back while the prices of many three d. printers have fallen below one thousand dollars solid concepts insists the stainless steel firearm they've introduced to the world can't be replicated by hobbyists these machines start at six hundred thousand and go up to a million dollars they need to be in. industrial environments they require more electricity than is available in residential areas and they require inert gases in
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the chamber that are just not commonly available so it's stuff only an industrial commercial type process and it'll be years before metal printers become available on the consumer market if at all not exactly the world's first mini metal maker has already been created it prints using precious metal clay and with laser centering patterns set to expire in february it's predicted that metal desktop printers will hit the consumer market before you know it five years and how small this is going to do it maybe five years after that you starts at home workshops and and you know having one on your desktop at home so that we are going there that it took knowledge exists the price will come down. as the world has learned the convenience of technology has a downside we all love to the internet cell phones e-mail and social media before finding out that our beloved data is being monitored and stored by the n.s.a.
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thing the astonishing capability of three d. metal printers is no longer a secret. so when they become a part of our households have alongside the microwave and flat screen t.v. thing what people choose to physically in the privacy of their home thing will be beyond the control of the u.s. government going up or nyah r.t. texas well here's what the first three d. firearm looked like and it was created in may this year the technology has come a long way in just a few months it's now possible to make something that looks and works like a real weapon but the biggest threat here is according to engineering expert hod lipson the firearms can now be disguised. it's a very universal kind of technology that can be used in laws of different ways some some good some not so good but it is alarming that people have started printing
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guns i would say the most dangerous thing is let's say a gun that doesn't look like a gun but looks like the flower vase or something else and so this has this ability to make things in any shape or form really defies a lot of the conventional thinking around regulating guns around detecting them and so forth and i think that's sort of it's a whole new world when it comes to controlling these kinds of things. coming out sports with barriers. in them if you're constantly flying around speech collisions and everything for it's all crazy for. the last in one hundred days to go before the paralympians takeover of the sochi winter games are to talk to a man who used his love of sports to turn his life around. do you think humanity as a whole would ban the fans from living. parts of the wall of g.m.
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we just had to play on the safe side through biotechnology research through genetic modification we can give those small holder farmers the opportunity to be able to deal with and survive all of those challenges and i believe they should have all of the tools. this is the place that has been consecrated to god for almost a thousand years people dream here twenty years ago to reestablish lastic life on this side. and people feel the love of christ working. people say you can. come and something
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happens on this island that makes them return to it again and again they say that saves them. join me james brown on a journey for the soul. only on o.t. . welcome back to watching r t international and british people are one of the top consumers of anti-depressant in europe a recent study has revealed and while it's largely being blamed on doctors overprescribing some experts say it's also financial woes and soaring unemployment that's taking their toll on the health of people in the u.k. our days or smith reports from london. feeling a bit under the weather the solution in britain go to the pharmacy here there are pills for everything. pills to indeed gesture pills for a headache pills for a cold and if you've got
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a prescription from your doctor you can get you'll have people here too and it's increasingly likely you will have the organization and the european cooperation and development says the number of doses of antidepressants being prescribed in the u.k. have doubled in the last ten years britain now has the seventh highest prescribing rate in the western world for drugs like prozac higher than for all germany and much of mainland europe some health experts put it down to overworked prescribing drugs when therapy would be more effective some say we feel we don't have time to be depressed so we take drugs looking for a quick fix but the depression alliance reckons it's at least in part due to the effects of the economic downturn i think there are people that have come forward to use lives they've been very badly by by losing jobs not been able to get into jobs
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young people trying to get started and then finding that the financial pressures that they're under has meant that they just are not getting off the starting blocks that may need an economic recovery will mean a return to mental health too and until then the u.k. will keep on taking the pills our web team has lined up plenty of stories for you on our website including the digital currency that sweeping to success. the price of a bit coy it has reached a record high of one thousand dollars having doubled its value in the last week to find out how it works and why it's causing so much concern to authorities had to argy dot com for all the details and analysis. plus astronomers across the globe prepare to be mesmerized by the side. the comet of the century passing close to the sun all our stories are just a click away on our website our team dot com. right to see. first rate. and i think that you're.
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on our reporters' twitter. and. would be in. a state without nationality that may sound strange but for some it's a reality people in israel cannot be documented as being israeli as artie's policy or discovers a united national identity could be an important step towards ending discrimination in a country the us has uncle sam russia has the bear frons has maryon and israel has a question mark if nothing else it's weird and france you're french in the united states you american in south africa you have south african but here in israel you
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cannot be registered as israeli i'm though the many low you can come from moscow. and demand to be there just a nationality. but you cannot. it's a totally absurd situation in israel's population registry there are one hundred fifty five recognized nations people are listed as jews. and more but never as israeli and the most seem ok with that it's the muslim meaning it is the same the nation is the jewish nation and it has the jewish nation state in the proclamation of independence and the un resolution of november the twenty ninth one nine hundred forty seven which says that a jewish state would be formed not an israeli one but if a person was to be identified as his radio national registry it would challenge the claim that israel is a jewish country something the supreme court is aware of as is all we have mary and
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a group of israelis petitioning for change the orders of law. different about form an arab set of them this is something not accepted democratic despicably long. all of that. but for now the supreme court has dismissed the case leaving the debate on what is an israeli open for years it was truly created by one of the country's greatest caricaturists camile god dos better known as dorsch but slick is created jewish. ok give him up or a young man because israel was still young state and slowly he created the new israeli national guard more with the sure what happened with their neighbors palestinians included but they weren't part of the character. like the registry lives in a world where culture faith and history are more defining then one's present and by all accounts it's likely to remain that way at least for the nearest future and
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israel without israelis. r t hold on. has to go to some other stories from around the world and starting with egypt where a group of female supporters of our. the president mohamed morsy have received prison sentences for protests in alexandria twenty one women including juveniles will have to spend eleven years behind bars for their demonstration in support of the muslim brotherhood earlier this month this comes after police broke up several protests in cairo under a new law that bans protests of more than ten people without permission. in brazil at least two people have been killed when a crane collapsed on one of the twenty fourteen football world cup venues it happened at a stadium in some power which is due to host the opening match of the competition is the third fatal accident to happen since construction work began for the event brazil has been in a race against time to complete their weakness before next month's deadline set by football's governing body.
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dozens of demonstrators in tunisia have staged an assault on behalf waters of the ruling party in the town of gough so scared office furniture out of the building before burning it in a nearby street public discontent with the government is soaring in the country which was the cradle of the arab spring revolutions. and right now we have live pictures from thailand where anti-government protesters are gathered at the parliament building in bangkok the thai prime minister yingluck shinawatra has just survived a no confidence vote and that further attention to the sheet which protests demonstrators had earlier paralyze several government ministries and the council accusing shinawatra acting as a stooge the brother of former prime minister in the biggest on the rest of it thailand she's twenty ten. but.
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while the alleged big torch continues its record breaking trip to sochi disabled athletes are getting psyched up for the year moment to shine the winter paralympics is now less than just one hundred days away are often if met with some of russia's hopeful medalist. i was talking to should be intense fierce determined i like you. just with two sticks one in each with extra risks. for you miss when you're constantly flying around awfully sweet collisions and everything for crazy for. tireless commitment to work or just. training all the morning to every day one of these seventeen paralympic athletes in the twenty four team russia sledge hockey team and thirty six year old by doing so you can is their captain he was injured in two
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thousand and two while serving in the russian military in chechnya. still does more before the age of twenty five i used to have a completely different life were also for both of them but after the injury i turned to sports to realize my potential. he went from swimming to taking up a chance to join russia's brand new sledge hockey squad. no one is going to bring you things on a silver platter but here we had an opportunity to. work since two thousand and nine when we were told we were going to dissipate the celtic paralympics it's been a driving force in a country that struggled to accommodate people disabilities russia's paralympic coach says the team is helping to change perceptions in the numbers there were quite a few minutes we're going to need more of these guys managed to prove to themselves their relatives and the entire society that they're not people with disabilities people with limited abilities that he has been a part of paralympic since one thousand nine hundred four but this is the first
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year that russia will compete this board only change your food years ago by dean remembers before the move we were just staring at one another not really knowing what to do first. let me show you what it's like here is the sledge. this is the blade and this small area is the seat. which means it's terribly unsteady like you are just imagine you have to keep your balance and simultaneously carry the puck you keep falling down and it takes a lot of time to get back up but now with skills that. these sled chalky players the loads is so she hasn't been easy and it's taken an immense amount of hard work personal sacrifice and dedication but the payoff is that it's just on the ice the principle of support balls to this experience i believe that people who have survived a car crash or a plane crash will look at us and realize that even with an injury like that you
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can live on if you can set your goals to achieve. this is how for the team to just brush up. and coming up here in our team is there a solution to the age old problem of hunger i've seen a boy who discusses that with the president of the world food prized quinn that's a world apart that's just next to. the interview.
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please speak your language. programs in documentaries in arabic in school here on. reporting from the world's hot spots fifty ip interviews intriguing stories for you to. see then try. to find out more visit our big teeth dogs call.
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the. war is probably the most complex and difficult human activity. locked up. in the phenomenon of friendly fire probably extends back to the invention of gunpowder. to kill a bunch of people in the family don't know someone there on the premises there are a us people. right now reading. this some of it shoots my brother in the leg not intentionally because of it because it was ny times four in the morning even the best given the mesh shoulders. are going to make
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mistakes this is this whole idea of brotherhood and author and camaraderie in this sense it was in this context that has absolutely no place. hello and welcome to worlds apart millions of people ever on the western world will join hands in this thanksgiving prayer today praising the lord for the food on their table and down throwing about a third of it into the trash can in the meantime millions of others will go to sleep hungry can we ever solve the age old problem of hunger and what is the best way to do it to discuss that i'm now i'm joined by count of quinn president of the
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world what price and a former u.s. ambassador to can void if ambassador quinn it's a great honor to have you on the show i'm very delighted to be with you and i want to wish you a very happy thanksgiving to all of your viewers thanksgiving is a wonderful holiday in the united states it's one that no matter what your back rhone what your ethnicity what your religion is it's something that unites all americans absolutely and things giving and is associated with food and i believe you said once that the greatest challenge that humanity faces today is whether we'll be able to feed the in nine billion people who are expected to populate this planet by the year two thousand and fifty now some experts would say that absolutely we can so the problem is not so much whether the planet can produce enough food there are some would argue that it already produces enough to feed everybody but rather how we can distribute this food fairly and so that.


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